Transportation Staff

The Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 employs six year-round staff and other seasonal employees to maintain our network of 315 miles of road in various surface types.

Public Works Coordinator - Karrie Blackbeard
Foremen - Darnell Zweifel
Operators - Justin O'Beirne, Ryan Scoular

The Public Works Coordinator and Supervisors receive directives from Council and work in close cooperation with both Council and the Administrator. In general the duties include the planning, organization and supervision of all Municipal employees, equipment and workshops associated with the construction, repair and related maintenance performed in support of Public Works within the Municipality.
   • Responsible to Council.
   • Carry out policies set by Council.
   • Supervise all public works employees.
   • Supervise and assist with the repair and maintenance of equipment.
   • Purchase and procure supply of all repairs, fuel and culverts.
   • Council requires that the major supply items (culverts & fuel) be tendered.
   • Be responsible for general security of shop equipment.
   • Work and communicate with each Councillor.
   • Make recommendations to Council on the hiring and firing of employees.
   • Inspect for safety hazards and ensure that the operation conforms to all requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.  The Foreman will co-ordinate and participate in all Occupational Health Committee meetings.
   • Advise on the administration of the public works program.
   • Report to Council at regular meetings and at the request of Council at special meetings.
   • The foreman’s job is a managerial position which is salary based. No overtime will be paid. It is expected that during the construction season, the foreman will work the required hours to ensure that the crews are properly supervised.
   • The Foreman, in the absence of a regular employee, may be required to fill in as an operator during the employee’s absence. In the winter months, the Foreman will be expected to operate equipment when necessary.
   • The Foreman will be expected to develop, record and supervise the following activities:
      a) The Mowing Program
      b) The Road Grading Program
      c) The Pulling of Shoulders and Gravel Recovery
      d) The Gravel Program
      e) The Road Construction Program
      f) The Road Sanding Program
      g) The Snow Plowing Program
      h) Spot Road Maintenance Projects
      i) The Road Signing Program
      j) The Transfer Station Maintenance Program
   • The Foreman is expected to make operational field decisions not covered by policy.
   • The Foreman is responsible to train staff and to communicate with them on an on-going basis regarding work required and policy.